Welcome to the Stow Parish Archive
We are a community archive dedicated to collecting and preserving materials of local history interest about the people and places of the Gala Water valley in the Scottish Borders. Our archive holds an extensive collection of photographs, postcards, books, account records, maps and other items of memorabilia. This material is continually added to on a regular basis.
The collection is held in Stow Town Hall in the centre of Stow, Scottish Borders. This facility is open most weekdays between 9am and 5pm and is staffed on most Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10am and 5pm. (Please note we are not a family records archive and cannot help those researching their family tree. For these purposes please contact the Borders Family History Society and the Scottish Borders Archives).
The Stow Parish Archive is a constituted group that was established in 2005. The Archive and this website is now part of the 'Gala Water History and Heritage Association'. The Association is run by a volunteer committee and employs a community archivist. We hope you enjoy our online collection. Please feel free to get in touch through our Facebook page or better still, come and see us in this beautiful part of the world.
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Music in the Galawater Area
The influence of music within the lives of members of The Gala Water communities.

Gala Water Lockdown Booklet
A booklet collecting local memories, experiences, and events from 2020: view or download as a PDF.
If you would like to make a donation to help with the running costs and to help grow our archive, please use the button below. All donations of any ammount are gratefully received.